I reviewed Spider-Man 2 for Polygon
Yes, I did talk about Angela Carter for some reason

I reviewed Spider-Man 2 for Polygon. As a sequel to the previous Insomniac Spidies, it more than delivers. But is it time to take more risks with these retellings? Thwip on over to read my thoughts about Venom by way of Angela Carter.
I had a blast, perhaps predictably, with Insomniac’s newest outing. If you have a PS5, it’s a no-brainer to pick this one up. If/when folks do play it, I’d love to hear your thoughts on Insomniac’s take on the web-slingers.
Happy The Week Where Spider-Man 2 and Super Mario Bros Wonder Come Out on the Same Day to all who celebrate! Good luck to your backlog, and to mine.