Welcome, new readers!

A little primer on Backlog

Hi there, people who subscribed recently! (Thanks, Chris.) Welcome to Backlog, a videogame newsletter for people who are behind on videogames.

I thought, for subscribers new and old (stalwart?), it might be nice to do a little Backlog primer. For those who’ve been reading all along, think of this like a greatest hits album, albeit one put out by a band that’s still, I guess, touring? This metaphor didn’t go well.

Here are some of the more popular posts from the last year, and some I just like:

I’ve also had the privilege of featuring some excellent guest writers on Backlog, a roster that is (spoiler) going to grow again soon. Here are two guest posts to round out my own contributions above:

So, that’s that! Thanks to all my subscribers, new and old/stalwart, with promises for more on the horizon, including some imminent Destiny 2 and Stray thoughts.